von Jan Demann | Apr. 9, 2021 | 1 Picture 1 Minute
First episode is out and it’s about one of my first photos.First time traveling to my first real foreign country and the first time a camera with me. So I entered the world of photography. In the national park Phong Nha Ke Bang I saw these kids playing outside...
von Jan Demann | Apr. 9, 2021 | 1 Picture 1 Minute
The second episode goes online. This time with a picture what some of you know. It is about elephants and the inhabitants of Cambodia.I have an expressive image of a young girl what I photographed on a hike.Why the girl so thoughtful you can learn in the video. Have...
von Jan Demann | Apr. 9, 2021 | 1 Picture 1 Minute
In this issue you will learn why this picture almost did not come about and why it then worked out.It took a lot of courage and courage to address this strong woman and then I became the focus of the whole marketplace. How and where the whole thing took place, you can...
von Jan Demann | Apr. 9, 2021 | 1 Picture 1 Minute
I met this monk in Sri Lanka in the temple complex of Anuradhapura.With my brother I went for a walk in the temple complex during the day. When we wanted to go back with the bicycles in the evening, many very fancy dressed people came towards us. With music and small...
von Jan Demann | Apr. 6, 2021 | Blog
Einige haben es mitbekommen und viele doch nicht. Ende März ist auf Instagram ein wenig Tumult entstanden. Irgendwie gabs da so´n derbes Video mit Wasser, Feuer, Erde und Luft und 3 Dude:in standen lässig rum. Diese Drei Dude:in sind der Grund für das Video und dem...